Should the graphics of a game I possess give me pause about playing it?
I already have "The Godfather II." EA sent it to me.
I've already played "The Godfather II." I started it last weekend.
I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. It mixes street-level "Grand Theft Auto" gameplay with a god-level city-wide strategy game. That combination has me wanting to go back and play more.
But the game is ugly. The street-level graphics are inferior to those in "Grand Theft Auto IV," which I was playing heavily almost a year ago.
So, last night, when I had a choice of which game to play next from my backlog, I put "The Godfather II" aside, shuffled past the voice-controlled "End War" (I didn't feel like talking), and returned to "50 Cent: Blood on the Sand."
I know some people refrain from buying games because of bad graphics, but I think this is the first instance when I avoided playing a new game I already have because of its graphics. Could it be that graphics matter even once we get our games home?
What will bring me back to "The Godfather II" is my fascination with its mix of gameplay genres. What I've seen in my one hour of play time with the title is a game that might stitch my actions into the fabric of an open-world in the consequential ways that "Crackdown" has teased at and that "Infamous" promises to do. It's a model of small actions having grand landscape-wide ramifications that "Grand Theft Auto," despite so much of its strengths, has moved away from since 'GTA: San Andreas." This "Godfather" game feels too important -- and too potentially fun -- to ignore.
But it is an eye-sore compared to its contemporaries.
If I don't get to "The Godfather II" this weekend, blame its graphics or blame me. (Though, it might be more appropriate to blame Easter.)